Cultiva Agro - Branding
Já se imaginou criando uma marca com impacto significativo mesmo em mercados já comuns?
A Cultiva nasceu de uma ideia de se tornar um negócio de soluções agropecuárias.
Em uma primeira imersão para SENTIR quais eram os pilares de sua essência, conseguimos notar que muito mais do que um negócio, ali nascia uma ideia promissora, onde o maior objetivo não era apenas vender, mas sim, Cultivar bons relacionamentos com clientes, amigos e parceiros.
Quando visualizamos de forma clara seu propósito, o de: Cultivar bons negócios. Sabíamos que o resultado de seu nome e identidade seria um reflexo de todo o seu posicionamento.
Quando visualizamos de forma clara seu propósito, o de: Cultivar bons negócios. Sabíamos que o resultado de seu nome e identidade seria um reflexo de todo o seu posicionamento.
Durante o desenvolvimento, buscávamos uma marca que pudesse INSPIRAR seu público e principalmente criar valor direto com as pessoas. O resultado foi uma identidade simples e objetiva.
Durante o processo de personalidade e atitude da marca, utilizamos diversos recursos que garantissem ao longo do tempo, que a Cultiva pudesse se CONECTAR-SE de maneira profunda com as pessoas, comunicando com clareza seu objetivo e cultura.
Em aproximadamente 3 meses, conseguimos resultar em uma marca que mesmo sem ainda estar inserida na comunidade, causa grande impacto e principalmente, cumpre o papel de transmitir seu propósito.
Have you ever imagined creating a brand with significant impact even in already common markets?
Cultiva was born out of an idea to become an agricultural solutions business.
In a first immersion to FEEL what were the pillars of its essence, we were able to notice that much more than a business, there was born a promising idea, where the biggest goal was not only to sell, but rather, to cultivate good relationships with customers, friends and partners.
Cultiva was born out of an idea to become an agricultural solutions business.
In a first immersion to FEEL what were the pillars of its essence, we were able to notice that much more than a business, there was born a promising idea, where the biggest goal was not only to sell, but rather, to cultivate good relationships with customers, friends and partners.
When we clearly see its purpose, that of: Cultivating good business. We knew that the result of his name and identity would be a reflection of his entire position.
During development, we were looking for a brand that could INSPIRE its audience and mainly create direct value with people. The result was a simple and objective identity.
During development, we were looking for a brand that could INSPIRE its audience and mainly create direct value with people. The result was a simple and objective identity.
During the process of personality and attitude of the brand, we used several resources that ensured over time that Cultiva could deeply CONNECT with people, clearly communicating its purpose and culture.
In approximately 3 months, we managed to result in a brand that, even though it is not yet part of the community, causes a great impact and, above all, fulfills the role of conveying its purpose.
Branding: Nexa Brand
Cliente: Cultiva Agro
Data: Set/2020
Design: Gabriel Bodnar
Design: Gabriel Bodnar